How to Improve the Lifespan of Your Split System Aircon?

A split system aircon is an expensive investment that helps in keeping your home cool during the summer months. It ensures you feel comfortable in your home even when the temperatures outside are soaring high. However, like any other machine, your split system aircon might show signs of wear and tear over time. If not taken care of properly, it may need air conditioning repair or even a replacement.

Regular Air Filter Cleaning

Air filters are the most crucial component of your split aircon. They prevent dirt and dust from entering your system and clogging it. When your air filter is dirty, your system needs to work harder, leading to increased energy consumption, higher electricity bills, and decreased lifespan of your system. Cleaning your air filters every month can ensure the efficient working of your system.

Keep the Outdoor Unit Clean

Your aircon’s outdoor unit often attracts dirt, debris, and fallen leaves. A dirty unit reduces its efficiency and can lead to breakdowns and expensive air conditioning repair. Therefore, it’s essential to keep the area around your outdoor unit clean and free of debris.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

It’s recommended to schedule a professional maintenance service for that aircon system at least once a year. A professional technician can inspect your system, clean the coils, lubricate the moving parts, and identify any signs of wear and tear. Regular maintenance can help prevent costly repairs and prolong the lifespan of your system.

Set the Right Temperature

Setting the right temperature on that is vital to prevent it from overworking. Overworking can make the system consume more energy, leading to higher electricity bills and quick deterioration of your system. Try to maintain the temperature at 23-25°C to ensure an optimal balance of comfort and saving.

Keep the Doors and Windows Closed

Keeping the doors and windows open for extended periods can make your aircon struggle to cool the air inside and increase its workload. Ensure that all the windows and doors are closed when your system is turned on. By doing so, you allow your system to reach the desired temperature promptly, reducing energy consumption and air conditioning repair costs.


By following these simple tips, you can increase the lifespan of your split system aircon and avoid costly AC repair and replacement. Regular maintenance, keeping the outdoor unit clean, and setting the right temperature will ensure your system runs efficiently for years to come. Implement these tips and enjoy the comfort of your split aircon for many summers to come!