How To Get The Perfect Polished Plaster Wellington

The process of polished plaster in Wellington involves using a trowel to apply a thin layer of plaster to a wall or ceiling. The plaster is left to dry and harden before being sanded to create a smooth, glossy finish.

If you are considering having polished plastering done in your home or office, read on for tips on getting the perfect finish.

Choose A Suitable Plaster:

Before you start, make sure you have chosen a plaster suitable for polishing. If the plaster is not suitable, it will not harden properly and cannot withstand being sanded down.

The most popular types of plaster for polishing are:

Gypsum Plaster:

This plaster is very strong and durable but can be difficult to work with if you are inexperienced with polishing. It also requires much preparation before application, so it is best suited to more experienced plasterers.

Calcium Silicate Wool Plaster:

This plaster is lightweight and easy to work with but does not offer much insulation for soundproofing properties, so it may not be suitable for commercial projects.

Apply The Plaster Evenly:

polished plaster in Wellington

The process of polished plastering is to apply an even coat of plaster onto the wall or ceiling. This should be done using a trowel and working from top to bottom. If there are any areas where the plaster has not been applied evenly, then these must be sanded down until they are flat and smooth before continuing with the rest of the process.

Leave The Plaster To Set And Harden:

After applying the plaster, please leave it to set for at least 24 hours before sanding down the surface. If you try to sand too soon after applying the plaster, it will break up into small pieces rather than leaving behind an even finish.

Sand The Plaster To Create A Smooth Finish:

To achieve an even finish with your polished plaster job, it is important to sand down any excess material after the initial application has dried. This will ensure that there are no bumps or ridges on the surface, which could affect the overall appearance of your work.


Polished plaster in Wellington will add an elegant touch to any room. However, there are some things that you need to consider when having this kind of work done. Without the necessary attention to these considerations, the final finish could be affected, which would mean that the polished plastering job might not be as attractive as anticipated.

Related Sources: Polished Plaster Christchurch, Polished Plaster Auckland