Grow Light – Lights for Indoor Plants and Hydroponic Gardens

When it comes to indoor gardening, the use of a grow light has become necessary. With this gardening, you are allowed to enjoy a hearty and beautiful indoor garden the whole year.

You just have to give your plants an environment that feels like an outdoor environment, so your plants will act like they are growing in an outdoor environment. For making a suitable indoor environment for your plants, you will need the right lights that can provide the proper intensity as well as the hue that normally nature provides to the plants.

grow light

If you better understand this type of gardening and know how to properly use the lights, you will be able to grow vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowering plants from seed to bud. There are mainly three types of lights used for growing plants indoors. The types are listed below:

Metal Halide:

These lights fall in the category of high-density discharge lights. The metal halide lights normally give off a hue that is present in the blue spectrum. And this is one of the most helpful colours for the plant’s early-stage root growth. These lights mimic the light that the sun provides in the spring season. Plus, it comes with 12000 hours of burn time.

High-pressure sodium:

It is another type of high-density discharge lights, which is a popular type of lights used for hydroponics NZ. The high-pressure sodium lights provide the colour of light in the red and orange spectrum, and these colours are essential for flowering plants. The red spectrum provides by this type of light is just like the atmosphere colour at the end of the summer season when the sun sits lower in the sky and emits a red hue.

The growers use both of these lights in their grown room. But when it comes to choosing only one light, then people mostly choose high-pressure sodium light as it acts as an all-purpose light.

grow light

LED grow lights:

This type of light is commonly used in electronic displays, flashlights, landscape lighting, decorative lighting and now using in indoor gardening. These are considered as the best lights because these are super-efficient, and it creates no heat. LED lights are great to use in small spaces, and it comes in a wide variety of colours. But for plant light requirements, the most common colours used are red and blue. The LED grow light is able to output more usable light. For more information visit our Website