Various Types Of Green Roofing Australia And Their Benefits

Traditional roofing is built to shed water as efficiently as possible from the roof surface. Conversely, green roofing Australia retains moisture on the roof. It can also be more critical to maintain and can cost up to 50% more to build.

What does ecological roofing entail?

A green roof (GR) serves as a foundation for different plant life to flourish on top of a building. The covering is made up of layers, each of which has a particular purpose.

The base layer sits on top of the substrate and provides the building with a waterproof seal. Metal tray roofing services or a synthetic membrane could be used to achieve this. A drainage layer is added to allow water to exit the roof, followed by a filter and root protection layer.

Extensive Green roofs

To encourage mosses, herbs, and grasses, extensive GR (also known as Eco roofing) is used. With a depth of 60-200mm, the growing medium is comparatively shallow. The plant medium weighs between 60 and 150 kilogrammes per square metre. Where there is little to no human foot traffic and low maintenance roofing is required, eco roofing is used. And it is the cheapest method of roofing.

green roofing Australia

Intensive Green Roofing

Intensive green roofing Sydney is used to create roof gardens and park gardens. This type of roofing allows for the most variety of planting options. You can use shrubs, flowers, and even trees. The growing medium is between 150 and 400mm deep. It escalates the weight per square metre to 180-500kg.

Bio Diverse green roofing

Bio diverse roofing is intended to be left alone to mimic the natural environment. Surface soil levels are varied to provide a diverse range of habitats for various species. Bio diverse roofing is frequently used to create a specific habitat for a threatened species.

The advantages for the building

Green roofing company will turn an unsightly urban roof into a beautiful function. Living roofs have various financial advantages in addition to the architectural appeal they bring. These UV rays deteriorate the surface of the roofing, resulting in cracks and the need for repair sooner rather than later.

The growing medium on living roofs acts as a protective layer against sun damage. It will double the roof’s life span while still recouping the additional expense of construction. Green roofing Australia also acts as a heat barrier, keeping the building cool in the summer and wet in the winter.