Guide to Do Roof Plumbing Yourself

The roof plumbing services involve the process of cleaning and getting rid of extra water in the drains. This usually happens when there is too much rain the monsoon season due to which the drains are filled with water and start to outflow or leak from the roods. We have compiled a few steps for you that will guide you about how it is done and should be done if you are a roof plumber.

1.  Gutter Installation

The roof plumbing services mainly include the installation of gutters at first. Well, it might sound weird that why do we need gutter installation when we are doing plumbing. The reason behind this is simple and that is about its effectivity in making the roof plumbing process successful. When the roof plumbing is done, the extra debris and water are thrown into the gutters you previously installed. In this way, that material can be collected and managed very easily.

2.  Installation and Fabrication of Pipes

The next step is simple and very clear. It involves the fabrication of the pipes which has to do with great care. After the fabrication is done, the pipes are then installed. These are for the purpose of giving the direction to water so that it main drain it into the gutter installed below. Just like the plumbing maintenance Melbourne care about the management of pipes, you should also get services from your plumbing professionals.

3.  Installation of Tanks

Now after the pipes and gutters are installed, make sure you install the tanks too. This is important that the water should be stored at someplace and not just outflows from the gutter drain. For this purpose, try to install the tanks after the gutter so that there is no mess left after the job is done.

4.  Installation of Drainage Pipes, Air-Conditioning Units, Vent Pipes

Well, after everything else is done, you have to just install the drainage pipes to give water a direction towards gutter and tank, and then the air-conditioning units to make it exhausts the air collected in the overtime and then the vent pipes which are also very useful.


Roof plumbing and the various things that need to be installed in the process are simple steps. But you have to do it through professional help, otherwise, a simple fault in the installation of anything can ruin your all efforts.